Informazioni evento

Elena Molinaro_IT 1h 30' durata Elena Molinaro propone un workshop per riscoprire il valore dello scambio intergenerazionale e interculturale, veicolato dalla pratica di sedere attorno ad un fuoco e condividere narrazioni individuali e collettive. Uno spazio dove riconnettersi con la saggezza del nostro cuore. Elena Molinaro is a performer working between Italy and the UK. Since 2010 she has developed a rigorous body-based practice at the interface between live art and performance. Her work has been seen both in the UK and across Europe. She has lectured for the MA programme The Body in Performance at Laban, and manages art projects across different educational and community settings. Per prenotazioni scrivere al numero +39 351 8737037